• 1-800-667-3511
  • 3730 Trans Canada Hwy, Cobble Hill, BC V8H 0H9

Green Up

Offered by Canada Green Building Council – Green Up, Canada’s building performance program.

With annual energy costs for Canada’s commercial building sector amounting to $17.6 billion and lighting, heating and cooling of buildings representing 50-60% of annual greenhouse gas emissions, there is much room for improvement. Striving for better existing building performance, CaGBC’s GREEN UP program includes a national database and information system designed to improve the energy and environmental performance of buildings in Canada. With GREEN UP®, building owners and real estate managers can measure energy and water use, compare with peers, set goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and take steps to improve the operational and environmental performance of their portfolio. The program provides cost-effective access to a national database that will include building performance data for office, multi-family, long-term healthcare, hotel, retail, K-12 school, and government buildings. Green buildings with superior energy efficiency attract higher occupancy levels, lease rates and valuations. Energy efficient buildings have lower operating costs and a smaller carbon footprint.